Duke Wishes You a Happy Hanukkah

May your dreidels spin tightly, your jelly doughnuts be sweet and your latkes be as golden as my coat.
Happy Hanukkah!
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Pets Giving Thanks – Lucky
Pets Giving Thanks Lucky is thankful this year for Crunchy treats and thorough behind-the-ear scratches. What is your pet Thankful for? Let us know! www.petsitclub.com
Pets Giving Thanks – Finn & Luna

Pets Giving Thanks Finn and Luna are thankful this year for their loving family and their very best friends, each other! What is your pet Thankful for? Let us know! www.petsitclub.com
Pets Giving Thanks – Mickey

Pets Giving Thanks Mickey is thankful this year for fresh air and strong, cold winds, the kind that really gets his ears flapping . What is your pet Thankful for? Let us know! www.petsitclub.com