Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Services, Long Island Pet Sitters

Long Island Pet Sitting and Dog Walking. Pet Sitters Club, Inc. Serving Long Island’s North Shore since 1999


Long Island Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Services. Pet Sitters Club, Inc. Serving Long Island’s North Shore since 1999.
Dog Walkers, New York, Long Island, pet SittersPet Sitters, Dog Walking and Exercise
We specialize in dog and cat care in the comfort of your own home when you can’t be there. We offer a flexible schedule tailored to you and your pet’s needs, including:

  • Crate-training breaks for new puppies
  • Daily dog walks to accommodate busy schedules
  • Exercise when your furry friend has put on a few extra pounds
  • Bathroom breaks for older and young dogs alike
  • Behavior training and modification
  • Pet transportation to and from your local vet and/or groomer

Pet Sitters, Vacation Pet Sitting Visits
Going on vacation? The best hotel is your own home! Your pet will receive multiple visits and or walks, feeding, watering, entertainment, and most importantly loving, individual attention. In addition your pet will: 

  • Follow their customary diet and exercise routine
  • Avoid exposure to illnesses from other animals
  • Receive medications, vitamins, and other special care
  • Get medical treatment in case of illness

Pet Sitters, Additional Home Services 

  • Mail and newspaper retrieval
  • Indoor and outdoor plant care
  • Making your home look “lived in” for crime deterrence in your absence
  • Alerting  you of any home issues while you are away (boiler, flooding, electricity, etc).

How Pet Sitters Club Services Works
When you call Pet Sitters Club, we will arrange a free consultation at your home shortly before you need our services. We will:

  • Meet you and your pet
  • Get detailed information about caring for your pet while you are away daily or on vacation

We will discuss how often you will need Pet Sitters Club to visit each day you are away or at work and what services you want performed. Fees are based on the number and type of pets and the number of visits each day.
To Arrange for Pet Sitters, Long Island, Club Service
Please call us at least 1 week before you are scheduled to leave town or fill in the online form (Pet Sitters Club will contact you).
PLEASE NOTE:  Filling in the online form does NOT reserve time nor guarantee service! Pet Sitters Club will contact you to arrange a consultation and schedule the pet sitting services. During holidays and summer months, it is best to give us at least 2 weeks notice.
Please call 516-466-5617 to discuss how we may help.
Dog Walking may seem like a mindless activity, but believe us, it’s not just a walk in the park. Having run a professional dog walking company for thirteen years, we have learned that there are 10 things that are crucial to ensuring the safety and happiness of dogs, their owners and the general public. Here are some guidelines every dog owner or dog walker should follow out of courtesy, safety and just plain common sense. Read The Dog Walking Rules and Words of Advice from a Professional Dog Walker Article.

Pet Sitters, Dog Walking and Exercise

We specialize in dog and cat care in the comfort of your own home when you can’t be there. We offer a flexible schedule tailored to you and your pet’s needs, including:

Pet Sitters, Additional Home Services

Going on vacation? The best hotel is your own home! Your pet will receive multiple visits and or walks, feeding, watering, entertainment, and most importantly loving, individual attention. In addition your pet will:

Pet Sitters, Dog Walking and Exercise

We specialize in dog and cat care in the comfort of your own home when you can’t be there. We offer a flexible schedule tailored to you and your pet’s needs, including: