Going Out? Call Your Best Friend’s Best Friend

Originally published: July 3, 2013 By Lily Choi. Anton News EDITORIAL@ANTONNEWS.COM For a scan of the original article Click Here Pet Sitters Club offers a wide range of services, including walking and transportation. Going Out? Call Your Best Friend’s Best Friend As a pet owner, it’s often difficult to find […]
Good for You, Good for Your Dog!
In honor of February being Responsible Pet Owner’s month, Pet Sitters Club is proud to Introduce “Good for You, Good For Your Dog” series. Over the next two weeks we will be posting on FaceBook and Twitter a series of posts that will highlight items in your kitchen and cupboard you can safely share with […]
Raccoon rabies vaccine packet distribution begins tonight
Raccoon rabies vaccine packet distribution begins tonight. Beginning today through Oct 19th, the Nassau County Dept of Health will be distributing by truck packets of rabies vaccine for raccoons in suspected raccoon habitats along streets throughout all of Port Washington and Manhasset. The packet is clearly labeled: “Rabies Vaccine Live Vaccinia Vector. Do Not Disturb, […]
How Smart Is Your Pooch?
How Smart Is Your Pooch? – Pet Sitters Club Let’s face it. We all think our pets are the smartest, cutest, and hands down best companions. But how does your pooch rate in the top ten smartest dog breed statistics? Take a quick look below to find out!
Dog Walking- The one Thing you CANNOT skip!!
Dog Walking- The one Thing you CANNOT skip!! Looking back at one of the items under our “Dog Walking Rules and Words of Advice from a Professional Dog Walker” exercising your dog is the one thing you cannot skip. Walking with your dog is the single most powerful tool we suggest to help you connect […]